Firestarter entertainment


Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take for me to receive my check after I book a job?

Between 6 to 8 weeks from the date of your final shoot date, expect to receive a statement email from our accounting department stating that your check has been sent. If you do not receive an email by then, please feel free to reach out to your agent directly to inquire. But, be assured, that if we have not received your check within this time frame, we are most likely already looking into it on your behalf.

How long does it take to process my check after FSE receives it?

Here is our standard check processing procedure: Checks are deposited and sent out every Friday/Saturday.  Here is an example of the talent check processing procedure:

1.       A talent check is received Wednesday, January 7th.
2.       The check is deposited into our talent trust account on Thursday, January 8th
3.       The check and/or direct deposit is sent to client on Friday, January 9th. On that date, you will receive a statement from our accounting department.
4.       The payment will be received by the client within 10 business days, but they are usually received within 5 business days. Direct deposit is usually much faster, but we always give the 10 business days in case of bank delays or holidays.

What if my address is wrong on the statement?

Please inform our accounting department immediately, so the check can be reissued to your updated mailing address. Email accounting at: 

How long does it take for me to receive my check once FSE has processed it?

Once we have processed your check, our accounting department will email you a statement. You will receive your payment within 10 business days. Most clients receive their payment within 5 business days. If you feel that your check might be lost in the mail, please wait for 10 business days before contacting us to reissue your check. If your mailing address has changed, please inform accounting department immediately at   

My child’s check stub states that money was deducted and sent to my child’s Coogan Trust Account, but I don’t see the deposit.  Who do I contact to fix this?

This is a VERY important question for ALL parents of young actors. If you see that a deduction has been made for your child’s coogan trust account, PLEASE make sure that the amount listed has been deposited into your child’s trust account. If you do not see that it has been deposited, please contact the payroll company immediately to resolve the issue.  The contact information for the payroll company will be on the paystub emailed to you by our accounting department.